Southern California Rheumatology offers a convenient, safe, office-based infusion center.
Located in our Tustin, CA office, our infusion center is staffed with highly experienced nurses who work alongside your doctor to provide IV therapies and in-office injections for rheumatologic and other conditions.
What you can expect:
- Quality Care
- Clinical Excellence
- On-site Provider
- Patient Convenience
- Wi-fi, Tablets & Snacks
- Convenient Parking
Our expert team will take excellent care of you, handling every aspect of your infusion, ensuring you the absolute best patient care and a great experience!
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Contact Information:
For all billing, benefits, reimbursement, and drug program questions, please contact:
Infusion Nurse & Scheduling Questions:
(949) 216-4840
OI Infusion Main Number:
(949) 620-1777
OI Infusion Fax Number:
(949) 620-3095